Ap’Arte 2024 Solo Exhibition

exhibition catalog - Juan Ricardo Nordlinger solo exhibition May 2024
Exhibition catalog - Laurinda Figueiras curatorial text
exhibition catalog - Laurinda Figueiras curatorial text

Ap’Arte 2024 Solo Exhibition

Juan Nordlinger’s twelve canvases invite us on a journey of discovery — of the artist and his inner world. We sense the freedom with which he transmits his unique perspective to others, taking as his starting point a diverse gaze upon the sofa that transports us to the most varied emotional and poignant situations of our shared human condition. How many memories they evoke, memories that shape our collective human condition! The more we engage with these objects, the more we establish a guiding thread between the message and content of their meaning, the shared narrative of stories, and the immeasurable creative capacity of the human imagination. Art contributes to the discovery of a new world. This occurs in Juan Nordlinger’s impressionistic work, where another detail is always waiting to be uncovered.

Quote of Laurinda Figueiras’ curatorial text, catalogue of the exhibition

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